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Since I started this career, I feel empowered and fulfilled as I help my clients navigate this period of increased volatility and guide them...

Thursday, February 24, 2022

How Russia and Ukraine Conflict may affect you and your portfolio?

 Dear friends,

Much news coverage has been seen in social media like titles such as seen in CNA: Russian forces invade Ukraine with strikes on major cities.

FILE PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine in a televised statement. File photo: AFP/Alexey Nikolsky, Sputnik)


The 3 questions in many investors' mind right now will be: 

1. Hold on or point 2 or 3 below

2. Sell now, ask later. Eg: "Should I sell first and get back in when things calm down? 

3. Is this an opportunity to buy on the dip? Or chase the hot assets now?

To answer the above questions require an assessment of your risk tolerance, risk appetite, time horizon, holding power, etc. 

If you do not have an idea and prefer advice instead of DIY, please kindly make an appointment with me (Click here) as general freely available advice does not help one to make an informed decision or protect or grow your portfolio in such volatile, confusing and challenging times.

Nonetheless, today's price action suggest further increased volatility in the near to mid term as investors head for safe heavens like Gold, Oil or other commodities. With geo-political risks and more sudden events like this, DIY investors will have hard time understanding how to position themselves.

Hence, investors who require guidance and insights should seek the advice of a financial practitioner instead of just following what the social media or price action suggest.

In the mean time, continue to stay safe as Covid-19 is on the rise again. If you wish to invest with a peace of mind and prefer guidance, kindly contact me below.


Eric Oh

Make an appointment: https://bit.ly/TTPericoh