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Since I started this career, I feel empowered and fulfilled as I help my clients navigate this period of increased volatility and guide them...

Thursday, April 27, 2023

How can you position your portfolio in such times? Zoom sharing on 9 May 2023 7pm Tueday. Pls register if you are keen to grow.

With high interest rate, market volatility, SVB failure and recession fears in the headlines. How can you position your portfolio in such times?

Is SSB or T-bills or savings deposit enough? Is it enough to protect you from current high inflation rate? Or is there more?

Come join me in this zoom sharing on market insights and common strategies to deploy and how such times can be opportunities. 


Click below to register your interest in this zoom sharing: 

9 May 2023, Tuesday from 7-8pm ( Mark your calendar)


Limited slots available for first come first serve.

Connect with me @ https://bit.ly/TTPericoh


About Eric Oh: 

Featured for my market views, strategies and insights with FM 96.3, Money FM 89.3 and FM95.8.

What I do: 

I help others to invest, protect and grow their wealth with prudent risk management. Strategic asset allocation which may include tactical/ dynamic asset allocation with macro, micro consideration for equities investing or risk based assets which provide non-guarantee returns but potential higher returns in the long run in current VUCA environment: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous surrounded by geopolitical tensions, etc.

Financial planning, wealth accumulation and legacy planning. Advocate for value based investment based on long term trends and macro events.

Experienced practitioner well versed in equities, bonds, selection of fund managers for wealth advisory for portfolio construction for different financial goals. Handling multi-million portfolio using multi-asset strategies which aim to deliver higher risk adjusted returns over the long run.

For more details on my accolades and experience connect with me at my other social channels or Linkedin:

Do like, follow and subscribe.

Linkedin: https://bit.ly/Lericoh

Company URL: https://bit.ly/TTPericoh

Website: https://bit.ly/EricWA

Instagram: https://bit.ly/Iericoh

Investingnote: https://bit.ly/ericinvestnote

Youtube: https://bit.ly/YTericoh

Facebook: https://bit.ly/FBericoh

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